
Registered Environmental Health Specialists Academy

Personalized Study Sessions to Pass your Exam

Tailor your study sessions to your pace and focus on what truly matters. Our smart algorithm and user-friendly app guide you towards exam success as a Registered Environmental Health Specialist, anytime, anywhere.

Prepare for your Environmental Health Specialist Testing

Get your state's required study hours

Study efficiently

Get your study hours in easy!

With your personalized study plan, engage in a learning journey that adapts to your unique study habits, helping you progress towards becoming a Registered Environmental Health Specialist. Your path to acing your exam is designed to align with your individual pace and preferences, ensuring you’re always moving forward in your studies.


Food and Consumer Protection

Foodborne illnesses and pathogens. Food handling practices. Inspection and regulation of food establishments.

Housing and Institution Sanitation

quantitative reasoning, scientific methods, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to empowers individuals in their career

Land Use Development

Gain insights into zoning regulations, urban sprawl, conservation efforts, and the balance between development and preservation

...And More!

It's Easy

Flashcards reinforce your learning and prepare you for the exam.

Flashcard Rating System

Rate a card as easy, med, hard to track your difficulty level

Personalized Study Cards

Based on the difficulty level and on the last time youve studied a card to ensure you keep making progress.

Study at your own rythm

Study on your free time without pressure.

Start studying today

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Registered Environmental Health Specialist Agency


Coming Soon in 2024